Areas of practice

In the Representation several tasks are being handled for the various ministries located in Greenland.

Below is a list of areas being covered from offices in the Greenlandic Representation.

Nanortalik's iconic white church standing tall in the summertime

Photo by, Reinhard Pantke - Visit Greenland

Ministry of education, culture. sports and church.

The following tasks are being handled: 

  • Responding to inquiries from authorities, institutions, companies and citizens regarding educational and research related topics. 
  • Keeping contact with danish and foreign educational and research authorities
  • Coordination of and participation in preparation of rules within the are of the ministry 
  • Interpretation of rules within the area of the ministry 
  • Legal support within the area of the ministry 
  • Cooperation in the north
  • The ‘’Greenlandic Houses’’ 

Hikers in the Kuannit area at the Basalt columns

Photo by, Aningaaq R Carlsen - Visit Greenland

The ministry of raw materials and the judicial area 

The following tasks are being handled:

  • Legal advice concerning the area regarding raw materials 
  • The engagement of Naalakersuisut towards the entire judicial institutions including the courts, police and probation services. Moreover the nordic cooperation concerning MR JUST/EK JUST is handled here 
  • Coordination and collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Justice regarding legislation submitted to the Greenlandic Government for further treatment. 
  • Legal assistance on interpretation in the area of justice. 
  •  Legal assistance on interpretation of judicial areas recovered by the Greenlandic Government in areas such as social, health or enforcement of verdicts regarding mentally ill or disabled people 
  • Statements, strategies, plans of action and prioritizing with regards to the judicial landscape in Greenland
  • The council for the Greenlandic judiciary system → collaborating with the Danish Ministry of justice regarding coordination of meeting topics and follow ups 

Passengers and service personel approaching a parked Air Greenland Bell 212 helicopter in Aappilattoq in South Greenland

Photo by, Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

The ministry of business, trade, foreign affairs and climate 

The following tasks are handled: 

Photo by, Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

Department of Nature

The following tasks are being handled: 

  • Case processing regarding the biodiversity convention 
  • Case processing regarding the Ramsar convention 
  • Case processing regarding the Washington convention  (CITES)
  • Case processing regarding negotiations in the UN about a new legally binding deal that will address exploitation and protection of biodiversity outside national jurisdiction.
  • The Kingdom of Denmark’s Head of Delegation in the Arctic Council’s workgroup CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna) 

Photo by, Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

The ministry of health and prevention 

The following tasks are being handled: 

  • Recruiting and retention of healthcare professionals to/in Greenland
  • Career options and job opportunities will be available:

Photo by, Mads Pihl - Visit Greenland

The greenlandic tax authority  -  Tax Agency

The following tasks are being handled: 

The tax authority deals with guidance and service in relation to Greenlandic tax for Danish employees, Danish and Greenlandic authorities and tax payers in general. 

You can find an overview of the tax law and numerous guides regarding tax, import duties etc. on

For instance: 

Photo by, Aqqa R. Asvid - Visit Greenland

The Greenlandic Institue of Natural Resources 

The following tasks are being handled:

The department consists of 2 senior researchers and 3 researchers together with a varying number of students. 

The work primarily revolves around investigation of whales, walrus, polar bears and birds in the greenlandic environment. 

The areas of responsibility include:

  • Flight counts of sea mammals 
  • Satellite tracking of whales, walruses and polar bears 
  • Age determination of sea mammals 
  • GIS work in connection to the investigations of the Institute of Natural Resources and investigations of seabirds in Greenland 
  • The department handles assignments relating to the greenlandic membership in NAMMCO, IWC and JNCB
  • Advice in relation to environmental assessments  of oil exploration activities